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Week of October 19, 2020

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

On October 22, 2020 - It’s so depressing not being able to go to France. It does feel comforting that we have people there carrying on with the works. There is no wasted time. Things still keep moving forward. We have cut back the Laurel hedge along side the path from the BBQ area to the Chalet. It’s been cut back severely but we know it will grow back quickly. The chippings have been used to begin the process of mulching all of the areas we need to plant up. Most excitingly is the potager. There is an area in the front which is perfect for creating a place for us to grow all of our own veg and also accommodating a cutting garden. I’ve found my dream plan. Not sure it will fit but we will have a go with planning out the raised beds.

On October 23, 2020 - The laundry roof is done! The gutters are being worked on and we will have two or three water butts that will be installed. This is a strategic design as it’s close enough to be able to use on the future potager. It’s also hugely important to collect our own water given the severity of drought over the past few summers

Work in the ballroom continues... without us there.

On October 25, 2020 - I can’t wait to use these to mark out the trails we’ve discovered and reclaimed in our woods. I’m so excited!

Til next week!

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