On November 12, 2021 - Starting to look like a woodshed roof. Getting closer to a job ticked off the list.
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Commence à ressembler à un toit de bûcher. Se rapprocher d'un travail a coché la liste.
On November 15, 2021 - We've been on a journey with this build but Ben has been able to get in on the action! The first side of the roof took about an hour and a half. He’s super thrilled to be physically helping with the woodshed. Looks like the weather is holding up!
On November 17, 2021 - Max and I went to Paris for a little diversion from all the work! We had a fantastic time exploring the city and landmarks.
On November 19, 2021 - We popped into the Louvre for some inspiration for the chateau!
Til next week!